Dean Bocking as a Child (Left)
As a youth (Left) with sister Marg and brother Jack
Wedding day
In uniform
With his wife and Ken and Dianne.
Paddling on Lake Muskoka
Receiving the Order of Canada
At the school
Christmas 2019 with great grandchildren
Age 99 - with great grandaughter
99th Birthday
Douglas Bocking 1920-2020
Ken Bocking's Tribute to his Father
My father was an amazing man.
He was calm, caring and quiet but highly intelligent. Despite being very busy with work, he actively participated with my mother to raise six children, and always made time for each of us.
He loved being Dean and from what I understand was very good at it. He loved all the medical student activities and maintained his sense of humour even when one class cut his tie off at Tachycardia. At faculty meetings he would listen to every member’s opinion and then say” “Well, this is what we are going to do “. He had the trust of all the members, even that of the “Chief” (of Surgery).
When he wasn’t doing his job in the Medical School he contributed to the community in a number of important ways. He was instrumental in making the Thames River a Heritage River and in getting Fanshawe College up and running. For all of his contributions, he was awarded the Order of Canada in 1999.
He loved life, was stubborn about growing old, and stayed very active until the end. When the the COVID-19 pandemic hit, and after we suggested that he slow down a bit, he said “I can’t stop doing everything! “
Both family and students seemed to strive to live up to his expectations. He wanted to turn out the best most caring doctors and my opinion is that he did. There are so many other things in his life but not enough time to document them all.
Ken Bocking